php /** * The Header for our theme. * * Displays all of the section and everything up till
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April 16, 2013

Singers, song writers, musicians, band leaders, band managers; remember when making music was all about having fun? Listen, I get it. You have to make a living and it’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd. Do you have an old music download that you are proud of? I’m not talking about any high end studio production you had to pay thousands of dollars to produce. A gritty recording of a performance you or one of your friends captured when no one knew you guys or gals were being taped will do. If not, bring a laptop to your next practice session or just borrow a good cell phone and record one full song that best represents your band’s sound and personality. Send us your music download. ‘A HOT SONG’ will take it from there!

Our FREE give away marketing method is not really so unusual. Think about it this way. Everyone loves FREE music! Suave music industry marketers have been giving away music samples to promote albums, bands, musicals and theater productions for years. ‘A HOT SONG’ Simply takes the free give away concept to a higher, much more efficient level. We leverage the power of the super highway and utilizing the most advance internet marketing tools so your music can be heard globally by a network of music lovers virtually any and everywhere in the world. We don’t charge anyone to download your tune. This means your music will get downloaded, FREQUENTLY!

*Yes, we do everything we can to encourage everyone to share your song with their friends and make it simple for them to use their social media accounts. There’s no catch! We don’t charge you and we don’t charge them! You can take down your download anytime and you retain all the rights to your music.

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Let ‘A NEW SONG’ highlight you and your music download with your very own webpage. You’ll get a link that you can post on your band’s website, Facebook account, text, Tweet or email to your fan list, to your Mom, to your lover and pals so they all can click directly onto your special webpage and download your next big, blockbuster tune FREE! That’s right, it really costs them nothing! We’ll also promote your free download to our enthusiastic, music loving membership as well as all over the internet, and believe me ‘A NEW SONG’ knows promotion.  Also, all FREE!

If your song is as good as you think it is, you will be surprised at how fast and large your fan base will grow. Just show the results to your manager and copy him or her in on all your new fans comments. Watch how fast you are booked for a recording session in the studio! A fan base is clout! Isn’t it time you take advantage of the viral marketing opportunity presented by the internet. We’ve tested all the music promotion ideas and schemes out there and nothing grows a fan base like giving away a free tune! And nothing catches the music industry’s attention more than a large fan base! Start getting the exposure you need right now! Try out the ‘A NEW SONG’ amazing marketing platform today. It’s all totally FREE!




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  • Singers, song writers, musicians, band leaders, ba

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  • 'A HOT SONG' is your premier source for finding ne

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    April 8, 2013


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